Why We Have a Flag

Posted by Administrator on 5/26/2014 to History
“Mom, do you know why we have a flag?” our six-year-old, Ben, quizzed me the other evening.

“Why do you think we have a flag, Ben?” I replied.

“So you can tell which way the wind is blowing,” our honest little man announced. A smile crossed my face because I realized that what we had been studying about the representation of wind in...

Sometimes and Always…Motherhood

Posted by Administrator on 5/19/2014 to Homeschooling

Sometimes motherhood is giggles and grins from a freshly bathed infant.

Sometimes it’s quietly soothing a fevered brow in the middle of the night.

Sometimes motherhood is carefully placing bows in a little girl’s hair while she chatters away about her playmates.

Sometimes it’s fishing nylons out of the toilet…along with a watch, a tube of toothpaste, and a Q-tip because the miniature scientist in your midst wondered if they would float.

Sometimes motherhood is teaching wee ones their verses for AWANA or the upcoming Christmas program.

Sometimes it’s cleaning up the box of Crispy Rice the little man discovered in the cupboard, and promptly poured all over the floor so he could eat them more easily.

Let Us Not Grow Weary While Doing Good…

Posted by Administrator on 5/12/2014 to Homeschooling
This is the time of the school year that I will readily confess: I’m done. I’m tired of trying to get my kids up so they can start school “on time.” I’m weary of figuring out Algebra 2 polynomials and Spanish conjugations. I’m exhausted by my six-year-old’s inattentiveness to reading lessons and handwriting labors. I’m frustrated with all the squabbles and mini-arguments that I hear (or have to resolve) each day. And then there’s the weather…. This seems to be the year of perpetual snow, cold, rain, and gray skies. We were at 78 degrees on Sunday, and we had an inch of snow on Tuesday. The poor daffodils are not sure what to do—blossom or wilt—and I’m right there with them! Sigh. ‘Tis the season of...

Is Your Writing Drowning? Try a RAFT!

Posted by Administrator on 5/5/2014 to Homeschooling
You may be familiar with responses like these when you announce to your child that he gets to write a paper or anything in the coming week: “I did that last month. Why do I have to do it again?” “Writing is so boring, Mom. Can’t we make a movie or just talk about my assignment?” “Why do we have to write the same old stuff every week?” “Does it really have to be more than 200 words?” For some of our children, these might be rather...
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