Posted by Administrator on 4/28/2014
We were at Niagara Falls recently, and one vantage point we enjoyed was
on the American side in which an elevated platform held us about seven
or eight stories (I would guess) above the falls and the Niagara River.
As we climbed the stairs and walked out on the platform, Kris, my dear
husband, moved farther and farther away from the exterior edge. He
confessed that his knees were getting wobbly and he was feeling dizzy.
He kept saying, “My mind envisions what it would be like without that
guardrail, and how far we would fall.” On the other hand, I love
heights, so I was going right to the edge and looking over the
chest-high railing without any concern that I might be
Posted by Administrator on 4/21/2014
It is amazing what can distract my children from doing their schoolwork. For my oldest son, it was his propensity for daydreaming about playing baseball professionally, or designing a diaper for a parrot (yes, really, a parrot diaper), or creating a Bible club for kids in the neighborhood. For my older daughter, it is working on any jigsaw puzzle within hand’s reach or the latest good read that she has discovered at the library. My fourth son can be distracted by practically anything—a squirrel outside, a word on his page of reading, a noise in the laundry room, or a cough from a sibling. We’ve lovingly dubbed him Distractionus Maximus. But it’s the distraction-trigger of my third son (age eight) that is
Posted by Administrator on 4/1/2014
Our adopted niece (and daughter’s best friend) recently turned sixteen, and it got me to thinking about where the phrase “Sweet Sixteen” originated or what it really means. I’m not sure my research garnered all the answers, but it has raised some tasty thoughts on which to chew. “Sweet Sixteen” is apparently a variation of the turning of age concept associated with bar mitzvahs and bat mitzvahs (which celebrate Jewish boys turning into young men at age thirteen, and Jewish girls turning into young women at age twelve) and quinceañera celebrations among Hispanic families when their daughters turn fifteen and become young ladies. (Does anyone else find it interesting