Music Appreciation: Book 1 Music

Your Price: $29.99
Part Number:MA1 Music

The Music audio files provide all of the supplemental music that corresponds with the weekly activities in Music Appreciation for the Elementary Grades: Book 1. On the USB you will find all of the music that is included in the books, exactly as it is written, an additional thirty-five professionally recorded pieces, plus an explanation and demonstration of each of the instruments in the orchestra from Benjamin Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra. This music will enhance your child’s understanding of the music concepts being taught each week.

A required element when using Music Appreciation for the Elementary Grades: Book 1.

4 Stars
Music Appreciation CD Set
Thank you so much for putting together this music to go with the Opal Wheeler books. I read a few of the books before realizing someone had put this together. I am a little disappointed that I can't find the Track list within the CD case. I want to be able to play the songs again and again in the car with my kids and still be able to ID the composer and song title.
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Reviewed by: (Verified Buyer)  from VA. on 6/6/2017
5 Stars
I teach elementary music (K-5) in a private, Christian school and have been using this curriculum with all of my classes this year. The students absolutely love it! The stories about the great composers are interesting and the supplemental Music Appreciation Book is filled with great activities and fun facts. While the series may be intended for homeschooling, it can certainly be adapted to a classroom setting, as well. (We are not using the lapbooks and I just use the Music Appreciation Book for supplemental ideas.)
Did you find this helpful?  1 of 1 Found Helpful
Reviewed by: (Verified Buyer)  from Wichita, KS. on 9/13/2021

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