A great composer comes to life in this vivid, exciting story of Peter Tchaikovsky, a young man driven by his genius through the early years of his career and on to enviable success and world recognition.
Peter’s unhappy apprenticeship in law ended when he absentmindedly nibbled on and ruined an important legal document. If his family considered his failure a disgrace, to Peter it was an omen. Now he was free to pursue and perhaps capture the music that sang in his head.
When he left St. Petersburg to teach in Moscow, he took the first step on his colorful road to fame. Success did not come easily, and Peter endured the hard pinch of poverty before the wealthy Madame von Meck became his patroness, providing him with a generous income.
Always enchanted with the world of childhood and far more at ease in it than in the more demanding world of adults, Peter began to write ballets for his sister Alexandra’s children. The Sleeping Beauty was followed by Swan Lake, and finally he created The Nutcracker Ballet, which assured his place in the hearts of children and adults alike. (80 minutes in length)
You can listen to the first chapter here.